Hello Parents

This Saturday will be our end of the year Art Show. The students will be
exhibiting all their artwork for the second half of the year. They have worked
hard and welcome all parents, friends and family to this wonderful show. There
will be no classes during the art show so students can enjoy showing everyone
this amazing work. The art show will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Artwork will be on display throughout the third floor. We ask that parents,
family and friends who remain for artwork keep the halls/classrooms empty the
last hour (12-1)so that teachers can
remove, sort and distribute artwork at the end. For those of you who need to
leave early, you may pick up artwork on Saturday, May 29 from 10-12 pm at the

BAKE SALE- We are in need of bake sale items. This is our last donation
request. These funds will be going towards portfolios and scholarships for
graduating seniors. Brownies, cookies, donuts, cakes or any individual baked
items would be welcomed. Parents we appreciate your contributions during the
year and have successfully made this program work because of all your help!

We would also like to thank parents for volunteering during the break time and
all the help working with teachers when help is needed. You are what makes this
program work!

Last feel free to call/write your local rep this summer to keep this program
going. Right now we are safe but we can always use the help. If anything
should change we will notify you this summer by email.

Thank you!

FOVA/Peter Isenberg and Diane Bonfert