Student Safety!


Last week, we had, what we thought, was a possible incident in a restroom during one of the break periods. Luckily, it turned out to be just a mis-communication between the adult and the child involved. But, this was a wake-up call for us to make sure that we take every measure to ensure that our children are safe while they are on campus. During class time, the policy is that the students must always go to the restroom in pairs, but there is no way of enforcing this during the break period. Therefore, please make sure that your child knows that he/she should not go to the restroom or any other location on campus where there may not be a program representative present without being accompanied by at least one other student.

This is also why it is imperative to adhere to the new policy for student pick-ups. While this may cause some of you a slight inconvenience, it was put in place for the safety of our children. PLEASE FOLLOW THE PICK-UP PROCEDURE.

If you ever see any suspicious activity, please report it to the campus police immediately. Their number is:  Cal State Campus Police: (323) 343-3700

NOTE: We are looking into using parent volunteers to monitor the restrooms while the kids are on campus. Please see Diane Bonfert or Peter Isenberg if you are interested in volunteering. (They can be found in the snack sales area)